This is from the early the first day of the August workshop. Enjoy!

(You may have to wait a few seconds for the video player to appear.)

This is an early experiment to see how well video works for people. The video here is optimized for a the faster broadband connection. (though not all DSL connections are very fast, such as Qwest’s new low price option).

If you find it pauses in the middle of playback, you can back up and try the modem version. Or you can start the video and then pause it. The video should continue to download (notice the very light blue color change on the progress bar), and then you can start it again later and watch it without interruption or stuttering. (though on some systems, you might find you have to simply let it run through the first time, and then replay it) For the modem case, this will be absolutely necessary. Others may want to try it if you run into problems.

Please leave some feedback about how this works for you. We would like to add more video later, including of some of workshops which are not otherwise available.

6 Responses to “The Yearning”

  1. on 09 Jan 2007 at 12:49 pm jerilyn holt

    The video came across great! And really transmits Ernie’s incredible presence. I’m very excited about this website and having more available from Ernie! Thank you


  2. on 09 Jan 2007 at 4:50 pm bessie doodle

    Love it, E.C.!!! & love you! I’m sooo proud of you! wish Moma & Daddy could see this… oh, well, considering where they are, maybe they can! from your dearest little sister! xo

  3. on 10 Jan 2007 at 10:37 pm Ann Macrory

    I loved the video and the length was perfect to get a real feeling of the yearning as separate from the personality and oh so lovely.

  4. on 13 Jan 2007 at 7:27 pm Pam Olson

    I’m so glad that you finally have your own website. The video clip was great: your warmth and joy is evident, and that in itself is the best way to spread the wonderful teachings. I will never be able to thank you enough for all that you have taught me, which has allowed me to live a much more aware, and therefore joyous life.

  5. on 22 Jan 2014 at 10:10 am Brigitte Brellochs

    Now I want to see/hear the entire workshop recording :o)!!! Ernie’s loving presence & joy comes through loud and clear in this short sample. I am so excited about the possibility to re/visit with Ernie through this wonderful website and video options. His teachings and warmheartedness are such a blessing in my life. Thank you – Brigitte

  6. on 04 Feb 2014 at 11:45 pm chris

    First of all – listening to you and watching you over the past couple years has given me the courage to escape my comfort zone and write comments on your website without fearing I’ll say something ridiculous. You taught me there is no right or wrong. Thank you for that Ernie.
    I had a “Wow” moment watching this clip. Maybe this is what I have been grieving about all my life. Something I truly felt was un-obtainable on this Earth. When I heard you say the word “free”, my body became so excited, lighter, calmer and more at ease! Everything was ok just the way it is. Two hours later I found myself grieving again. I re-watched the video and the incredible feeling of freedom returned! Why is this so difficult to hold onto? Why does the ego want to get in the way of such beauty? I crave this feeling of freedom like chocolate. At least I know it is possible because I see it in you! You give me hope! And – I wish you would manufacture a pocket Ernie! I think that would help 🙂

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