Archive for the 'Thought for the Day' Category

All One

We hear a lot about “oneness”, and it sometimes seems like some out-of-reach ‘spiritual’ experience. I suspect: Love is how a human heart experiences the oneness of everything.

Dying Now

If death means anything, it means the ending of everything worldly – life of the body, mental life, stories, possessions, attachments, relationships, past, future – all of it, absolutely. And this is happening to many of us already, before the body wears out, because our fellows and our poor earth need us to die in […]

Holly & I just returned from 6 weeks in Mexico – warm beaches, the extraordinary colors of the sea, the love of my woman, new friends and old, playing at water sports and, not least, great eats! It was delightful. Yet more than any of this, there was that abiding peace.

Oh, the joy of being in a state where one can see comparisons and judgments as they arise and to leave them alone, where one can see the mind moving in its self-created time, conjuring up all sorts of futures, and to leave them be.

Well, I have the unfortunate chore of having back surgery tomorrow for a congenital narrowing of my spinal canal – they’ll basically go in and make elbow room for the nerves in my lower back. I’m reflecting on what it means, and doesn’t mean to me. My dear Holly has recovered from a broken back […]

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