Two Paradigms

One Response to “Two Paradigms”

  1. on 14 Aug 2014 at 12:34 am chris

    To me, it feels like an endless battle between the two paradigms.
    I have often felt like I’m not running the show, like I’m a marionette in a play being guided here or there, to experience this or that. Sometimes led to bliss, many times to pain – which you refer to as the heart (love) leading me to truth. Either way, I believe I’m being led by and to consciousness. Many times my pain body feels like a monster inside of me grabbing hold of the strings and leading me to unconsciousness. I’m lost – only to be found with your words and tears suggesting to feel, be curious and don’t believe or identify with the story and eventually (I still have hope), I will find freedom. The grace behind the suffering. I’m once again sitting in the theater watching the show.
    Thank you for the reminder, Ernie!

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