Archive for March, 2007

celebrating the 20th Anniversary of my marriage to the delightful, smart, feisty, wise and beautiful Holly (see photos!). Sun & sand, maybe a little surfing and windsurfing … back soon…

Amazing statement that! Why, I can think of lots of reasons! Money, health, relationship troubles, politics, war – just to name a few. Anyone with half a brain can find easy justification for worry about something! It’s just that there really isn’t any good reason for it. Really. No joke. Ok, ok, I guess you […]

Thought for the Day

You don’t have to get rid of your ego or “me”, only refuse to live from it’s dictates. Old Chinese Proverb: That the birds of worry and care fly over your head, this you cannot change, but that they build nests in your hair, this you can prevent.

Please Join In!

I would love this space to become a forum for discussions like the one Maria invites us to (see her comment to the last entry). Please feel free to weigh in, add a comment, ask questions, or wonder aloud on these pages. I’ve made “Discussions” a new category for this reason. There is something new […]

So much of our life is about striving, planning, goal setting and the like. Silly as it may sound, the process of waking up involves none of that.