Musings on a Therapy Practice

I have had so many interesting conversations this week. Several fascinating realizations occurred in the process, among them:

• Under the glow of warm, unjudging attention, anger reveals something true about a person that until then was unavailable to their awareness. The anger disappears, and deep ease replaces it. New directions appear…

• When there is undue attention given to choosing, controlling or trying in one’s life (the “me” running the life), the actual present movements of one’s being remain relatively unseen. Left unattended to are attractions, affection, stirred interests, sensations in the body, the feelings of authentic response to life that occur spontaneously in the immediacy of living. At the same time there are reactions because of ‘how I want my life to go’. Yet the authentic and unseen movements, if not resisted, bring us the deep sense of fullness which control and choice are seeking, but cannot bring us.

• In even the most dramatic disturbances in one’s life, such as death, illness or the breaking of an important relationship, deep insights into our nature are available, and seeing them changes us dramatically. We are left more loosely bound to the drama of our life, and less identified with s/he who is living it. We can see a door we are drawn to walk through into more light and more ease.

• How astounding it is to rediscover that when there is genuine attention to anything without thought, with no judgment, no identification, but only warm, curious attention…then what is revealed (besides the truth of what is watched), is a state of being that’s truly alive in the moment, active and free of history or any ‘story’. This is who we truly are but have forgotten, and that we long to reclaim as our birthright. In that sublime watchful state there moves a facile intelligence that is not of thought and so can be trusted where thinking has no role.

I realize these musings must seem abstract scribbled here in words, but I assure you that had you witnessed the processes as they occurred, you would yourself be moved to tears (as I was). I only hope you can feel through these puny words the realities they point to.

2 Responses to “Musings on a Therapy Practice”

  1. on 13 Jan 2007 at 11:14 pm Maria Mazhary

    I am awestruck by the immensity of how privileged we are to be here together in these times, when a message such as yours can be shared so widely! Thank you for the generosity of this movement…and thank you for the rich, palpable, infectious nature of the beautiful essence that you have allowed to take hold of you,and through you…is now taking hold of us-
    those of us who have been so fortunate as to sit in your presence, as you wore your guise of “therapist”, and experienced being fully embraced by your unconditional love, attention, and acceptance, have been forever changed: we are each in various states of letting go of the banks of the “Great River”, and allowing ourselves to be taken freely by the flow-it is moving through us, and yet we are immersed in it-I am eternally grateful that we are entering this “Great River” together, and that you are with us-enCOURAGing us, laughing and crying with us! With all the love that is flowing through me, Maria

  2. on 14 Jan 2007 at 11:07 pm Pauline

    I love reading what you share with us, Ernie… and what everyone else is saying, too. My heart echoes in agreement with what I hear.

    I agree with Holly’s comments, Guy:

    “What a beautiful website Guy! The love, heart, and soul you’ve poured into it shines through. Thank you so much for helping to nudge this into the world. -Forever grateful, Holly”

    I am grateful, too, Guy.

    What you have told me, Guy, is that what Ernie embodies has changed you. And I have watched you change from the Bigger Force that flows through Ernie into us. I know that you gave hugely of yourself to create this structure for Ernie, for all of us. And for your ability to manifest, I am grateful.

    Ernie, I visit your blog every few days to see what else you have said…and also to read what others are sharing, too. Thank you!


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