I would love this space to become a forum for discussions like the one Maria invites us to (see her comment to the last entry). Please feel free to weigh in, add a comment, ask questions, or wonder aloud on these pages. I’ve made “Discussions” a new category for this reason.
There is something new and exciting happening in our midst – this transforming shift in awareness. We’re all novices at exploring new ways of being in the world. How compelling it could be to share our experiences here so others can see just what it feels and tastes like, and wonder for themselves…
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So much of our life is about striving, planning, goal setting and the like. Silly as it may sound, the process of waking up involves none of that. Continue Reading »
Posted in Discussions, General | 2 Comments »
February 16th, 2007 by Ernie
One of the wonders of my discovery of a way of life that’s so easy is that getting there is easy too. What’s really hard is the insistence by my old way of living that it can help! It can’t. It just bashes my head against the window. I see the light outside, but I can’t do anything but “try” to get there. It’ll never work. The bee is the problem, not the solution. So the bumble bee imagery breaks down now: actually the problem is the bee itself. In a human life, when the ‘me-bee’ quits trying because it realizes it can’t get outside, the open window is right there! It is the whole human being who escapes; the unfortunate carcass of the ‘me-bee’ is left behind (to do the taxes, maintain the car and, if it’s lucky, make music!).
Posted in General, Thought for the Day | Comments Off on More on the Bumble Bee…
February 6th, 2007 by Ernie
It’s like the bumble bee indoors at a half-open window, banging it’s wee body against the glass a bunch of times till it finally ‘hits’ at the open half – bzzzwheeee! That was easy!
[more on this to come]
Posted in General, Thought for the Day | 1 Comment »
January 29th, 2007 by Ernie
Here are a few challenging statements about love relationships:
• When we’re in love, we are experiencing our own beauty.
• Relationships don’t work well if you expect much from them.
• If you use a relationship to feel better, you’ll both wind up feeling worse. Continue Reading »
Posted in Relationships | 2 Comments »