Posted in General, Thought for the Day on February 16th, 2007 Comments Off on More on the Bumble Bee…
One of the wonders of my discovery of a way of life that’s so easy is that getting there is easy too. What’s really hard is the insistence by my old way of living that it can help! It can’t. It just bashes my head against the window. I see the light outside, but I […]
It’s like the bumble bee indoors at a half-open window, banging it’s wee body against the glass a bunch of times till it finally ‘hits’ at the open half – bzzzwheeee! That was easy! [more on this to come]
Posted in General on January 28th, 2007 Comments Off on Attention or Vigilance?
I was chatting with a friend about how it is that sometimes we are quite aware of things, watchful and scanning, yet not really awake to what is really going on inside us. Often people who’ve suffered trauma, especially as children, are extremely watchful of their environment to keep them safe. This allowed us to […]
Posted in General on January 26th, 2007 1 Comment »
How enterprising is my ‘self’! Even without my consent, It seems endlessly to build all manner of edifice, structures, stories, (whole novels even!) then invites me in to play (of course) the vital role.
Posted in General on January 19th, 2007 2 Comments »
“When the heart is breaking, the self bleeds self-pity, but Presence bleeds love.” Several people have mentioned to me lately (including some in shaky economic situations) how greatly relaxing it is to witness the machinations of oneself with only compassion and warm attention. I guess this is hard to express, but well worth the attempt.