Archive for the 'Thought for the Day' Category

Perhaps the greatest deceit we suffer is that there is something else to want besides love.

A dear friend left this for me this past week… I would love to live Like a River flows, Carried by the surprises Of its own unfolding. My friend Maria is constantly referring to what is moving through her as the flow of a river. I experience something similar. What’s notable is how we can’t […]

Vacationing in Hawaii recently left me in a state of such ease. I had one especially lovely morning on the deck of our little bungalow in Haiku where the sheer beauty of the place, the raucous birdsong and the light, ah the light, lulled me into a kind of meditative state. Once there I felt […]

Thought for the Day

You don’t have to get rid of your ego or “me”, only refuse to live from it’s dictates. Old Chinese Proverb: That the birds of worry and care fly over your head, this you cannot change, but that they build nests in your hair, this you can prevent.

More on the Bumble Bee…

One of the wonders of my discovery of a way of life that’s so easy is that getting there is easy too. What’s really hard is the insistence by my old way of living that it can help! It can’t. It just bashes my head against the window. I see the light outside, but I […]

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