Ernie knows what is truly important in life. There is a way to live as a human being that is so delicious… Not just in a few special moments, but in nearly all moments. The “trick” is to see beyond what we currently believe to be true, especially the core illusion regarding what a human being actually is.
Ernie’s greatest gift is knowing what we are not. We are not our thoughts, or our beliefs, or what society tells us. When we experience for ourselves what is false, the truth is then free to come forward on its own. We begin to live in a timeless state of exquisite awareness. Ordinary concerns lose their weight, their heaviness; and the burden of defending the ego against imagined attacks is released. We can be free.
This state of freedom is where Ernie lives most of the time, and he is able to show others what is possible. I have personally seen a number of my dear friends changed deeply, not to mention the enormous freedom I have found in my own life.
There is something happening in the world today that allows ordinary people access a state of being which in the past was very rare. This is the same movement noticed by Eckart Tolle and others. It is real and growing. The human race seems to be evolving in some unexpected way. Perhaps that awakening is the only possibility for human beings to continue to survive into the future…
What Ernie does is to clearly point out what is false in what we believe about who we are, and to demonstrate by example what might be possible in a human life. I often remember something he said in the recent August workshop “We used to think that this could only happen at the end of a long struggle, but that does not seem to be the case. It’s easier than that.” It is almost Ernie’s trademark statement that “it’s easier than that.” And it really is… Like many things in life, in hindsight everything is perfectly clear. It was only our own resistance to change that was in our way.
Thank you for letting me share of my experience about Ernie and his work with you. I invite you to check out this web site and join the fun. Watch the videos from Ernie’s workshops. Come on in, the water is fabulous!
– Guy
8 Responses to “About Ernie”
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If I were to write my life story, there would be an Ernie chapter. Many moons ago, Ernie, you helped me heal a place in my heart. I can only smile when I think of how many other people have been so blessed. I remember when you and Holly were just past the newlywed stage.
Life is good!
My daddy has helped me grow and learn to live in peace. I am definately not good at it yet but I feel good when I am in the place he teaches us that is
possible to live in, free from our minds.
I love you, Daddy!
Your No. 1 Daughter
I already attempted to subscribe once but I’m not sure my application went through. I’m a second attempt is offered. I was referred by Susan Phelan.
Jim Foston
I worked with Ernie off and on for seven years and I credit him with saving my life. Many time he would see me at no charge. He helped me and my daughter see that we are not the bad experiences we lived through. The big things I take away from my time with Ernie is ‘There are no shoulds’ and ‘The only way past it is through it’. Thank you Ernie for these gifts.
What a Sweetheart, Vijay! Thank you for your kind words. I trust you’re thriving up there in Portland. Say a loving “hi” to Heather for me.
Until I met Ernie, I truly had never experienced being in the presence of a human being that radiates the energy of pure love. Of pure truth. This energy lifts me. I feel more at peace, calmer, like everything is ok just the way it is. There is nothing wrong – or right.
It just radiates out of him like the warmth from a fireplace in winter. It’s like I took an Ernie pill and flew to a very different world.
Dear Ernie, you helped me at an extremely difficult time in my life. You helped me see that I had power within myself. This enabled me to spend time alone and find myself.
Thank you
Dear Ernie:
Hello from California! I finally connected remembering your workshops + access to computer+ free time. But alas, no upcoming workshops?
Until later,