There’s Nobody Home

The most striking, and seemingly absurd, aspect of awakening is the discovery that there is no one inside the mind-body.

Everything in our culture, our rearing and our assumptions about ourselves & human life holds that we are individual, separate people.

There is absolutely no evidence of this.

Sounds crazy, huh? What about the entirety of scientific knowledge saying otherwise? And isn’t it just obvious that we are separate persons?

The greatest difficulty in seeing the truth of this is that once the sense of separation has been accepted, innocently if wrongly, and from a very early age, then everything else is seen as outside of ourselves. So this seems to validate our error.

That’s how we are deceived. The belief is self-confirming. So-called reality will appear as it is believed to be. This is conditioned into a child early on so it arises innocently. And so much of experience appears that way – an inside self witnessing an external world.

All of this happens in thinking. Thought is a fragmenting, dual making function. Thinking in a pattern easily becomes belief (though it doesn’t have to), one thought saying another one is true.

So thinking is ideal for creating (out of thin air and consciousness itself) an entire universe and in particular the initial separation idea that animates our self-deception.

In my office I keep a large photograph of the face of a child of a few months. The picture represents awareness before thought is conditioned to believe one is an individual – an absolute limitation onto limitless Consciousness. There is only a soup of experience before thinking and belief arrive and with them the sense of an inner identity and the naming of things “out there”. The young child represents a more natural state of being than that of a ‘normal’ adult witnessing a world “out there”.

One could say that what we see in an infant is enlightened, but it is just a state pre-thought, before conditioning. Enlightenment is the rediscovery of that state after thought has solidified a sense of self, now discovered to be imaginary. Separate identity collapses in the face of reality (there was never such a self). How this could come about is dealt with elsewhere in this blog.

What’s fascinating is that this experience of self is only from thought’s point of view. Indeed all the experiences that follow from that primary separating belief are also only real from that point of view. And what experiences are those? Our entire daily life in time and space! An ordinary life is one looking for happiness or fulfillment – later.

In fact, the mind-body is an appearance within Consciousness, not the other way round. Seeing the truth of this is not easy as it requires peering underneath thinking and belief. Doing so allows us to realize that all we actually know of minds, bodies and worlds is the very knowing itself. Only unnamed experience, as for an infant.

So it’s one hell of an ask to even suspect what’s actually going on unnoticed!

It could be the death of me.

3 Responses to “There’s Nobody Home”

  1. on 28 May 2020 at 6:52 pm Cynthia Solberg

    Sure do miss you. Thank you for this ??????

  2. on 05 Jun 2020 at 1:42 pm Janet

    I love this Ernie! Very clear and inspiring. Thank you for writing. Please keep it up ??

  3. on 11 Jun 2020 at 11:09 pm Kristen

    Ernie this is clear and brilliant. Yes, we are only the knowing, the seeing, not the known or seen. It’s a relief really… We are the spacious expanse of the heart of love and peace and there’s nothing we need do….ironically, the fullness of life is beauty beyond measure and how full is this life!!

    Thanks Ernie