The End of Me

When you come to realize there’s nothing you can do to “get free”, “wake up” or the like, the (at first unwanted) implication is that you are of no use in such matters.

This is the end of time, whether accepted or not. In this case, time is a seeker’s illusory urge toward some desired or yearned for fulfillment, which is always later, never now.

Also, this implies the end of ‘me’. There isn’t really any inside “person”, there’s only movement in time or hope, which is time. Yet there do remain skills, propensities and conditioning which appear in time doing whatever by their nature they are drawn to. Nobody home. Or at least only a useless one. That’s a good start.

3 Responses to “The End of Me”

  1. on 24 May 2020 at 5:41 pm Lisa Capa

    My! how the awareness I thought was you is shining brightly in this post. Thank you for this wisdom – it is deep, eternal and something for me to contemplate. I miss you, dear friend!

  2. on 25 May 2020 at 7:01 am Mary Margaret Moore

    A silence showed up when I read these words. There is something about Ernie’s way of sharing that opens up places that were crowded with thought. What a gift. Thanks, friend.

  3. on 31 May 2020 at 10:44 am Janet

    I love the way you connected time and hope. Without desires yanking our chains there is only now. Free from the frustration of wanting to be or do something different.

    Does a tree wish it were a bird? Why do we have to be something other than our awakened being. Pure and simple.

    Thank you Ernie for the inspiring thoughts.
