Is it Selfish to Awaken?

This is an audio clip of an interview/discussion between Ernie and Maria Mazhary, on the question of whether awakening may be a selfish process to engage in…

3 Responses to “Is it Selfish to Awaken?”

  1. on 16 Jan 2014 at 10:36 am Bessie

    Beautiful dialogue… I soo love hearing Maria’s voice… I too want to work with those innocent animals but am afraid I would have my heart broken everyday… re: “clinical exercise in consulting your own experience… what’s really going on…” love those words; helpful… I love you & Maria, xo

  2. on 18 Jan 2014 at 8:17 am Ernie

    Thanks Bessie. Maria & I have recorded several topics and I’m editing the material to upload it here – stay tuned!

  3. on 17 Apr 2014 at 8:44 pm Steven C

    My experience is that egos have given “selfishness” a bad name. True selfishness — the recognition of the real nature of my “self” and the illusion of separation — is beautiful. We need more of it, not less.