celebrating the 20th Anniversary of my marriage to the delightful, smart, feisty, wise and beautiful Holly (see photos!). Sun & sand, maybe a little surfing and windsurfing … back soon…

2 Responses to “Hi All. I’m on vacation for 10 days”

  1. on 01 Apr 2007 at 3:20 pm Gerry

    April 1: I woke early and watched the morning light as it crept into my house, brightening my world little by little. It’s Sunday! No work today! I watched part of the summer series of The Yearning (:)) and relaxed into listening and being curious.
    Later, my son, granddaughter and I go up to the woods. The air cool, the streams and water simply there – no worry – being present and in love with nature. We stop at a big pond where other folks have built a campfire, so I have the pure pleasure of enjoying the smells and warmth. The day continues. My granddaughter weaves tales for me of cattapoozles, creatures which live in the forest and we bring 100 home with us.
    I get home, walk in the house and there I am, Gerry who has expectations that this and should have been done in my absence and the self is caught….I sit and smell my shirt…campfire. Oh yeah, I am free again in the noticing, in the warm, curious intellegence.

    Thanks for that!

  2. on 01 Apr 2007 at 8:04 pm Ernie

    Ah, Gerry, what a lovely report! Having just returned from a week on Maui, I’m glad to have had several such days without concern about my usual obligations and to-dos. I am home now but ‘vacation consciousness’ lingers…that delicious sense that nothing has to happen, that all is well, that others can be as they are, the world’s madness is as it is yet the full moon still rises beautifully this night and I am here to see it. What a blessing. Thanks for reminding me…