It’s like the bumble bee indoors at a half-open window, banging it’s wee body against the glass a bunch of times till it finally ‘hits’ at the open half – bzzzwheeee! That was easy!
[more on this to come]

One Response to “This isn’t difficult, only well resisted…”

  1. on 13 Feb 2007 at 11:56 pm Pauline

    Bumpety bump is right! My first “thought” is how _do_ I maneuver towards and out the open part of the window (future action = fulfillment because certainly the present moment of the all tha buzzing isn’t what I want to feel because in the _past_ it’s been painful and will surely be again, so how do I get out of here?)… okay, so if I relax the mind/planning for the future well-being and buzz around happily in the moment and oops… the beating of my wings through their natural course of movement moved me through the open part of the window… wow… so easy! I’m out.